Every Thursday, our local paper, the Omaha World Herald
carries the column on gardening written by JAN RIGGENBACH. This week she started
her article by saying, "Multitasking isn’t just for people. Plants can do
it, too.” She went on to say, "Shrubs like blueberry, for example, not
only produce delicious fruit but make a great landscape plant, too." The
article went on to talk about one of her favorite shrubs. It has yellow
flowers, followed by red currants and smells heavenly. It sounded just like
a shrub I had but never knew its name. I dug up a shoot from a
neighbor when we first moved here in 1965. I love the fragrance the yellow
flowers give off when they bloom in the spring. It is very strong and sweet. My
hubby can even smell it and he has a terrible smeller. But I never knew the
name of it. I have moved shoots from the south side of the house to the north
side of the house by the kitchen window. That way I can enjoy the flowers and
their perfume while working at the sink. But until yesterday, I didn't know its
name. It is Crandall clove currant. My daughter has dug up shoots and
planted them when they built their house. She has a very green thumb, thus a
lot of Crandall clove currant. My Crandall isn't looking so pretty anymore. Old
age, I suspect. But it stills blooms every spring, perfuming the air. I think
it is time to have her dig me up some new shoots.

Crandall clove currant
4-6'tall x 4-6'wide (cutting propagated) Spring bloom- This
intensely fragrant, fast growing heirloom selection of a native currant was
originally chosen for its abundant crop of flavorful black fruit. But its
clove-scented yellow spring flowers and mahogany-red fall foliage make it a
plant with three seasons of garden beauty. Thrives in all but dry sand or wet
clay soils.
You can read JAN RIGGENBACH column on Thursday's in the Omaha World Herald's Living Today section.
Can you tell I am getting anxious for spring.
Have a good weekend,