Hubby located straw bales today, four of them. He told our farmer
friend that he only needed 2 but he gave us four. We put a generous layer of
garden soil on top each one this evening. A rainy week, starting late tomorrow,
is predicted and the video we watched suggested letting a layer of dirt work
down into the bales. We figure a rainy week would help that . Now we are
discussing what to plant. We were going to do just a couple of tomato plants
and a couple hills of cucumbers but now that we have 4 bales, we can plant
more. Sure hope this works.
After we came in we decided to sit in the sunroom and enjoy
the beautiful evening. Lots of wild life around this evening. The wrens are
even back. This rabbit came hopping along and decided to sit under the
lilac bush. This is the usual spot to rest for the local rabbits. This fellow
was sitting there when all of a sudden he plopped over. I figure he had
croaked. Never saw a rabbit “resting” like this.
Soon he got up and ran off. I guess he was just enjoying the
beautiful weather, too.