In Poland and Polish communities in the United
States, such as in the Midwest, Mardi Gas is called “Fat Tuesday”. In
some areas it is also called Paczki Day," referring to the dense puffy
jelly-filled doughnuts. As I look back on my childhood in a definite Polish environment,(both
parents, aunts and uncle came from Poland) I can see why they called it Fat Tuesday.
All the family would get together and have a “feast”. There wasn’t a lot of
polish dishes I really liked (mother use to say I was more Italian than Polish
in my food tastes) but I did love the pastries. My favorites were the Paczki
and the kolache/kolace. About four blocks from our house was a mom and pa
bakery. When my dad felt ‘rich” or had a craving for sweets ( got my pastry
sweet tooth from him and my salt cravings from my mom) he would walk to the
bakery and buy pastries for the weekend. I would love to have some those
pastries now. They were the best. But I settle for the occasional glazed
doughnut or a jelly filled one. I have made Kolaches before but they never
tasted like the ones from that bakery of my childhood. I have a recipe for paczki I found on the internet. Maybe
for our family Easter gathering I will make them. But then again there is
always Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Here is the recipe if you are interested.
Take care, Rose