Friday, April 17, 2020

                                       Another view of Iowa on April 17,2020
Stunning photo of Iowa State Capitol in April snow by the amazing Mirza Kudic

Just "WOW!!!!" Winter just won't go away.
Winter Wonderland In Iowa on April 17,2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

 This came across my FB feed this afternoon. A lot of us adults are having a hard time with social distancing and working from home etc. This little article makes us realize that it is hard on all of us humans.

Hello everyone. Nice snowy day here in Iowa. So ready for deck weather. Being outside sure helps during this Covid 29 pandemic and its stay at home and social distancing. Spring flowers are under snow today.

View out our Bay window April, 16 2020

So glad our little grocery store 6 miles away is doing curbside pickup. Fareway, 20 miles away, is where we do our major shopping, also, is having curbside pickup. You call your order in and you pick it up two days later. Gets us out of the house for a bit. And our Pharmacy brings it to your car, too. So on we go.

Just being thankful that all of our family, so far, is doing well. Everyone is now working from home except the Granddaughter working in a long term care facility. We did our Easter gathering via Zoom. It was fun to see everyone and visit a bit. 30 people do make for a large zoom gathering. lol. So glad for technology that lets stay in touch with family and friends.

Praying for a sunshiny day soon. That always make everyone feel.
Take care and stay safe.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Hi everyone. Hope this is finding all of you safe and sound. Been just a bit over a week since I blogged. Boy, hasn’t things changed in that time. Our state isn’t in a lock down yet but it looks to me like it is coming. Two son in laws have documents to keep in their glove compartments for proof that they can be out and around. Most of the grandkids are working from home. Thankful for that. One granddaughter works at a nursing home. We worry and pray for her. Another is on two week paid leave,a Covid case in her building. Another worry. Another one has to meet with her clients, mostly by video, but not always. They are working now for her to do videos from her home. Hoping that is up and running real soon.

The weather was so nice for a few days. We were able to walk the trail. Felt good to get out of the house and feel the sunshine and hear the birds. Spring was here, or so we thought. Two mornings ago heavy freezing rain woke us. 

Image may contain: sky, outdoor, nature and water

I managed to safe these gals from the freeze that was coming. And was rewarded in the morning with blooming daffodils. A ray of sunshine.

Image may contain: plant, flower and natureImage may contain: flower

Spring left and hasn’t returned yet. Back indoors with the fireplace going. Sounds like spring will make a return for a couple of days next week before rainy and cooler weather gets here. Plan on taking advantage of the couple of days we get.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. It will seem so strange to go to Mass sitting in my easy chair. And Easter will be on the sad side this year. For many years, over thirty, our family has gotten together on Holy Saturday. Started when the girls were in college and we have gone from the six of us to over 30 last year. It won’t seem like Easter this year. But we are thankful that we are all well and hope and pray that continues.

Have a good week. Stay in, Stay safe.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Boredom will be setting in for a lot of us. Especially the kids. They are used to being around friends and having a structured routine during the day. With schools closed and most working from home, “cabin fever” can be real.

Here are some sites for all ages that might help pass the time and still be educational.


Virtual School Activities for all ages

Virtual Disney World rides-scroll down for links to rides.

Check out more ideas on these sites.

Good morning,
Hope this finds all of you in good health during this horrible time for our country and the whole world. We have chosen to stay in as much as possible. A good time to catch up a few things, like this blog. Sad that something like the COVID19 makes us all realize what is important and life.

Hubby and I have played some games. Something we did in the beginning of our marriage because we had no money for anything else and moving to a new town, no friends. lol

In the year since I have updated a lot has changed in our family.
We have two great grandkids, William 1, and Lucy 2 and a third boy due in July.
We had one more grandson get married, another getting married in October.
Seven grandkids are now home owners.
All 13 grandkids and spouse/ significant others are employed. Only one so far isn’t at the moment. She worked in the office of the college she attends which is now on line.
We are all very fortunate at this time, that a family and friends are safe and healthy.

Hubby has the Yahtzee out, so it must be time for our morning Dr. Pepper and a game of Yahtzee.

Take care all of you. Enjoy this time with your families. And remember to practice social distancing if you go out and hand washing.  Stay safe.