Thursday, July 11, 2013

Straw Bale Garden Update

Our straw bale garden is growing right long. But it does require a lot of watering. I suppose if we didn't  live on the edge of town but more in the middle it wouldn't be so. We get so much more wind up here. I can walk down the street a couple of blocks and it will be almost calm. Add on the fact that it has been in up 80’s and lower 90’s and sunny and you have to water every day. We definitely could use a couple of rainy days. Forecast sounds like maybe Saturday night and most of Sunday will be rainy. Who would have thought that with the rainy, cold spring we had, that we would be praying for rain. But then again, we live in the Midwest.

This straw bale gardening has been an exciting experience for Macey.

Our first harvest was small. Macey was so excited about the green beans and wanted to pick them.

Tomatoes on this plant are getting bigger. The plant the rabbit ate off is growing back but slowly.
Cucumbers are being a bit pokie.


 What is a flower garden in rural Iowa without Holly Hocks. 


1 comment:

  1. Your hollyhocks look healthy!
    I wondered if they'd be wetter or drier to grow in--and you have both extremes lately, don't you?
