Thursday, November 12, 2015

Four Seasons in 14 hours.

I can’t believe it is the 12th of November already.  Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here. In fact it is two weeks from today. Sure doesn’t seem like it should be that time of the year. We have had an amazing fall. Warm sit on the deck weather. Until yesterday, Wednesday November 11. Fall came to a screeching halt. Woke up to a spring like day, warm and sunny. Then the fog rolled it. Went for a walk around 10 and it was still nice out. By noon the clouds rolled in and the sky looked angry. Soon we had rain mixed with pea size hail. Then a break and sun. Figured all the talk about wind and storms was over blown again. But not so. Clouds came and bought heavy rain and wind and a tornado. Yes a tornado in November. It missed our town but hit farms between us and the next down town the road, a mere three miles from us. No one was hurt, no house destroyed but a few barns and bins suffer the brunt of the storm. A trucker did have a big scare when his truck was flipped by the strong winds of the tornado. Thankfully he was hurt just shook up. 

Mother Nature wasn’t done with us yet. By evening we had a coating of slush and then snow on the ground.  And then the winds came. Very strong winds, 25-30 mile an hour with gusts up to 50. This old house moaned and groaned all night and is still “crying”. Sure hope the winds quiet down by bedtime tonight. What a day. Four seasons in one 14 hour time frame. 


  1. The wind hasn't really calmed down here, has it calmed down any at all for you?

  2. Yes, it is finally letting up. Only suppose to blow around 10 miles an hour tomorrow and up to 60. We have one chore to complete before winter, bring in the paint and sprays etc before they freeze in the garage. Hope to get that done this weekend. Next week sounds like winter.
