Thursday, May 12, 2016

Is that snow??? in May?????

Here it is the 12th of May and we have had only a couple of mornings where it was comfortable to sit on the deck for our morning Dr. Pepper. It has either been cold, raining or windy or we weren’t home.

Been a really different spring. So far, we have lucked out and haven’t had the really nasty storms that seem to be happening everywhere. Omaha, less than fifty miles from us has a couple of tornadoes and just the other early morning hail where they had to bring out the snowplows. The news showed people shoveling hail. We have had lots of rain here but thank the Lord nothing else. The weather forecast is calling for temperatures in lower 30s Saturday morning. Brrrr. Will be running the fireplace to take the chill off on Saturday. This Saturday is our city wide garage sale day. We were planning on getting up and out early. But we might just have to change our plans a bit. I am not into garage sales in the cold.

Here is a picture of the hail storm in Omaha posted on Facebook yesterday. Amazing.

This is not snow!! This is hail! Omaha,Nebraska 5-11-16 
This does not look fun. @chrismachian photo from#hail in Omaha. 
Full Coverage:Hail Storm
Hope the weather calms down soon and we all have a wonderful spring.

Take care,


  1. You drink Dr Pepper in the morning? I'm a coffee person myself...

    Stay warm. Spring and Fall are fickle seasons. You just never know

  2. Oh I have to have my coffee first thing in the morning, too. When my hubby worked he always had a Dr. Pepper at his 10 o'clock break. Well when he retired he kept that up and it wasn't long that I got hooked too on that 10 o'clock Dr. Pepper. First thing in the morning it is definitely COFFEE.,
